Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good News about Chocolate Lovers

According to a recent article from the American Chemical Society (ACS), there is a recent scientific findings that provided new evidence that chocolate may be healthier than is usually assumed.
One of the reasons chocolate is unique is the temperature at which it melts: between 94 oF and 97 oF. The human body, at 98.6 oF is just above the chocolate's melting temperature. Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals. Caffeine, a stimulant, is the most well known, but it is present only in small amounts. Another stimulant is theobromine, found in amounts slightly higher than caffeine. The two molecules are identical except for one methyl group (CH3), but it is not yet clear how they act together in chocolate.

Another chemical known to make us happy when we eat chocolate is anandamide, so named because it means "bliss" in Sanskrit. This compound is also produced by the brain and blocks out pain and depression. However, when produced by the brain, its quickly broken down, so its effects don't last. According to the same source, anandamide molecules from chocolate stay in the body longer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Science of chemistry links

Anybody that is learning chemistry needs to refer to periodic table of elements. Although, inorganic or general chemistry uses the most, organic chemistry requires the knowledge of periodic trends and periodicity to well understand organic chemistry reaction. Here is one of the link Jenni has come across "periodic table" that explains everything you need to know about the elements. Also, people taking introductory organic chemistry should find good help from the orgachemistryhelp site as well. Please, feel free to share or comment any of these topics.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Learn how to take notes in chemistry course

In Chemistry course and in science in general student need to learn how to take notes. There is no way you could pay full attention to instructor's explanations if you want to write down everything. The best way to deal with this is to use the bullet type technique and have common abbreviations. This will give you more time to listen and focus on the concept. The method of studding chemistry is quite different compare to biology or mathematics. One thing they all have in common is practice. Ex. explain photosynthesis: this could be done using chemical formulas (organic chemistry), in words only or combination of both (Biochemistry). This means your chemistry skills can help you give better explaination.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School Ideas to eliminate stress

As you are getting ready for your classes this fall, make sure you go over the following must do list:
1) Finish registration of all desired courses and do not overload too much especially if you have more than one science like chemistry course combined with math.
2) Make extra effort and get the online access codes as this will help you a lot with your studies.
3) Build a study team from 2 to maximum of 4 students. There is no such thing as "I cannot study in group" learn to do it as you will not regret the effort.
4) Make sure you have a study schedule built and start studying regularly. Do not wait until the test has been announced before you start.
5) Do not hesitate to seek tutoring if it is available at your school and look online for help.
6) Have fun doing it as you cannot afford not preparing your future.

Friday, July 30, 2010

End of this semester and what is next?

As this semester has ended it does not mean you have to forget everything you have learned. Make sure you go over the materials you have not well understood and use online free tutorials to clarify these points before your class at fall. You will be be taking uper level courses and don't expect these courses to be as simple as the one(s) you have just completed. As a matter of the fact, you can even get your textbook and start reading and learning the materials before your classes start. Happy summer break and keep in touch!